How to Choose Your Marriage Celebrant


 You can't be married without a marriage celebrant and your Magnetic Island or Townsville wedding ceremony will only be as good as the celebrant you choose. To have the wedding you really want be very careful choosing your celebrant. If you want a memorable ceremony, you, and your guests will really enjoy, then, be prepared to invest in the services of an experienced, professional celebrant, rather than an amateur quoting a low price. Quite frankly, we suggest don't worry about price.
The current price for a Townsville Registry Office Ceremony is $360 and it's a 'quickie' from a limited selection used by hundreds of couples.

Whether you choose an experienced celebrant offering top value, service & quality (many of these top value are not expensive), or an inexperienced poor performer - the difference to your budget is tiny.If you want wonderful memories to last a lifetime - here are some thoughts from from past Brides & Grooms on how to choose a celebrant.
  • Ask, 'Will you write a ceremony just for me or, do I just choose from what you have?'
  •  Realise that Emails or texting are usually not the best way to choose a celebrant. Unless you are from overseas.
  • Phone or in person are the best ways to check out prospective celebrants. Your wedding is 'personal' so deal personally with prospective celebrants.
  • Make a time to meet with your prospective celebrant and see how you get on.
  • Is she or he your type of person? Do you "click"?
  • You may need to meet with a couple or so before you feel happy.
  • When you do meet check to see what sort of help they provide in ceremony resources, help and information.
  • Do they have comprehensive information to offer on your wishes, beliefs and traditions?
  • Do they provide an on-site rehearsal?
  • Ask about locations and how they will work for you.
  • If the celebrant tells you that they are 'unique' or the best or their 'ceremonies are unique', ask them to explain How.

  • The choice of celebrant is your right by law! Some not all wedding service providers such as some Wedding Coordinators & Wedding Planners, some Resorts & Wedding Venues may advise that they only have ‘in house’ celebrants or that they will only use certain celebrants. This is illegal and they know it is.
Others may advise you that they have ‘Preferred Celebrants’. By all means check these preferred celebrants out, they may be very good, but remember the choice of celebrant is your right by law, even if you are taking a Wedding Package. Wedding Service Providers may informally suggest a preferred celebrant but, by law they must advise you of the other celebrants available for your ceremony location.

Now one last point, Marriage Celebrants are as unique as you, your celebrant must suit you. So if you find that a celebrant just doesn't 'click' let them know and they should gladly refer you to a choice of experienced & professional celebrants who may be more suited, who also offer high  standards of service and ceremonies to remember. After all it is your Wedding.

When you’re completely satisfied make your booking quickly. Good celebrants on Magnetic Island or in Townsville are booked well ahead and you don’t want to miss out on your preferred marriage celebrant.  

Begin choosing your celebrant here!

Copyright. All rights reserved
David Crusty Herron & Melbourne Celebrant Tony Gelme